At last! Fucking finally. All caught up.

When you say “all caught up”, surely you mean superlatively right? You cannot literally be all caught up?

No no, all caught up. literally. Caught up on work, on sleep, on exercises, on personal connections. Everything.

What about cleaning the house? Did you clean the house?

Of course I did. Else I would not say I was “all” caught up, would I?

That’s fair. And impressive. Wait, did you invest? Did you create a will in case of accidental death? What about reading that book you wanted to read for a while?

Invested. Willed. Read. Read.

That’s 2 reads. Did you read 2 books?

Also yes, but there I meant I read the will after willing it. You can’t will and not read the will. It’s impolite towards future readers finding your typos in a legal document.

What about scheduling that doctor’s thing for that niggle that was bothering you?

Scheduled, visited, cured.

I am amazed. What next then? What are you going to do with all this time?

Watch movies I guess?

Oh, you are not caught up on all the movies?

I am. Rewatch them is what I meant.

Ah, so you are not caught up on your rewatches?

Why can’t you let me have this?


Why can’t you let me stay deluded and happy?

… oh

… yeah …

So, can I join you for a movie rewatch then? I can get popcorn.

Sure you can. I am already caught up on stocking popcorn. I am very much on top of my life at the moment, with nothing leaking underneath me which I need to worry about.

You sure are!