Dr Strange: Testing testing…. Is this thing on?

Black Panther: I am definitely going crazy Okoye. I was fighting Thanos, then started going to dust, then I wake up, you tell me it’s been 5 years, and now I here this guy’s voice in my head!

Okoye: No, I heard him too!

Dr Strange: Okay, no time to explain. I am going to use magic to get you all up to speed…

Dr Strange: There, you all know what I know, which … basically everything … because of magic. Y’all ready for your teleport?

Wong: Master Strange, wait, that flying lady who destroys Thanos’ ship. Won’t it make sense to teleport her, like the rest of us? She seems pretty strong?

Dr Strange: Its Doctor… Wong and you know that. But also, no. We win in only 1 of 14 Million futures, and in that she needs to make a grand entrance, at the exact moment all our female fighters are nearby and ready to make an appearance. It’s gonna look hella cool and not cringe at all.

Wong: I think it’s gonna look a little cringe.

Dr Strange: Eh, I know better Wong. Plus we need an awesome fight, not a quick one. Box office revenues, remember? Anyway, everyone, think of a cool pose for when we reach.

Spiderman: Mr. Wizard sir? Hi. Behind you. Can we go already? If what you said about Thanos already being there, I fear he must be beating up the people I got to beat up in Germany that one time.

Dr Strange: Yeah, we are just waiting for Falcon to repair his wings, Bucky to re-attach his arm, all that. I could send some of you ahead, but … Box office. Gotta look cool. Mmmm… I can smell it! And I was in Sherlock, Star Trek and a couple of Hobbits! So when I say this is good box-office money, this is going to be GOOD box-office money.

Nick Fury: Hey, Fury here <insert badass dialogue to garner respect from you>. Who do I rendezvouz with for the coolest entrance?

Dr Strange: Hmm, Not really teleporting you Fury.

Nick Fury: What?! Why not!

Dr Strange: What? Do you plan on killing those monsters with badass dialogue? Or freaking them out with your Odin rip-off eye? It’s better if you let us handle this. Plus, I am doing you a favour. Do you want to see your pal Tony die? That lousy bastard, thinking he is the better Sherlock Holmes.

Spiderman: WHAT?

Dr Strange: What? What’s happening? Falcon, you ready yet? I need you to be all cool and say “on your left”. Okay, I sense Thanos is done with his cool Box-Office boosting monologue. Assembly time! On my mark, portals opening in 3…2…