Hi, I’m here to do my share of writing history.

Excuse me?

Yes, my friend was telling me how history is written by the winners, and I like to believe I am a winner. When can I get started?

Sir, this is a library.

Yes, the home of the books. I want to contribute to making those books. When can I get started?

I’m sorry, is this a prank? You cannot be serious right now

Hmm, I guess it’s a secret society and you are just not a winner enough to be invited to it.

Is Paul behind this? This reeks of Paul, with his inability to take anything figuratively and making it all literal. Paul, this is not fu —

Mr Khan, we’ve been expecting you. Please forgive Jana. She is not a winner enough to know about the inner workings of the HERO. Some would go so far to call her… a non-winner.

What the fu —

— kay. No worries. I understand the struggles of navigating the non-winners. So, this HERO. Does it stand for something?

Very perceptive Mr Khan, yes. It stands for History Engross by the Rightful Outhors.

Did you just say Outhor? Also, Engross?

Jana, do you mind? We are having a winner conversation here.

Yes, and trust me, this entertainment right here is the highlight of my week. I assume this is a play practice and you do not want interruption; just wanted to be sure I heard you correctly… Outhor? Engross?

Okay first off, this is not a play you non-winning pebble. Secondly, we really wanted to call ourselves HERO, but there was no synonym for “writing” which started with E. Only one on google was engross, so we forced it. Similar logic for Outhors.

I get it. It’s brilliant!

I know I’m the worst audience participant, but as a librarian, it’s my duty to help. You know you could have called it Historic Events by the Rightful Outhors? Or even better, Historic Events by the Rightful Orators?

… (← Outhor’s note: These are in italics)

Mr Khan, let’s take this conversation to a little more privacy. (Starts walking away, with voice fading)
So, what history would you like to engross about? Would you like to engross about the dinosaurs? Have you seen Jurassic Park? How about ancient Egypt? The Mummy was good, but The Mummy Returns might not help with the research a lot. Let’s get you started (Voice fades away)