Wait wait wait, I’m confused. You are saying when you nod, it means we give your “guests” what they want.
Yes, as I said, if a guest asks for something deep and meaningful, and I give it some thought, and then nod at you, you bring it for them. For example, if Mr Stern begs me to give him the Uranium he needs to save the city and gives a speech about how he knows deep down I care about the city, and I nod, you give him the Uranium.
Yes, but during last week’s rehearsal, you mentioned that if you nod, it means we open fire at Mr Stern.
God damn it, it’s not that difficult.
If HE says something deep and meaningful, and then I nod, you give him what he wants.
If I say something cold and threatening, and then I nod, you kill him.
Why don’t you just say out loud what you want me to do, so there is no scope for miscommunication?
Because that’s not what cool villains do Henry. All the movies we watch, the evil overlord just nods, or snaps his fingers, or shifts his eyes, and his henchmen know what to do! It makes the evil dude look so much cooler! Do you think the henchmen are mind-readers? If they were, they would be the evil overlords. No. They practise! As shall we. Why can’t you be cool like those movie henchmen!
Because this seems like such a waste of time Mr Bossman —
— Doctor … You call me Docto—
Dr Bossman. Yeah. It seems like such a waste of time. Every week, we use up 16 hours practising all these secret bad guy signals, when we can use that time more productively!
Henry. Mate. Come on. You’ve seen Megamind. You know the difference between a villain and a supervillain is PRESENTATION! I’m just trying to perfect that. I cannot do it without your full support!
I get that Doc. I just think we have bigger fish to fry. We are working overtime trying to fix our delayed CSR activities. We are yet to repair the hole in the wall your nemesis left for us last month. We also literally have that big fish to fry, but no pan is big enough, so Steve has to go buy a bigger pan. Also, Camilla from HR mentioned morale is a real issue. Our glassdoor ratings are at an all-time low!
…*nods evil-ly*
…*nods evil-ly again*
Okay, I’ll bite. what is that nod supposed to mean?
It means you are annoying me, and you should shoot at yourself.
Okay, but you see how that would be confusing after I finished my monologue?
Hmm, you’re right. Needs more work. Let’s take it from the top.*Chair swivel*
I’ve been expecting you, Mr Stern…
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