It’s what Mr H taught me. So here I am, writing what I know. But what do I know? I know a lot of things. I know that the last metro from Amsterdam Centraal leaves at 12:28 AM. But to be honest, I believe a lot of people know that. Also, Google has rendered me moot with this amazing factoid. So should I write about it? I mean at this point it won’t even do very well on SEO rankings, and most people won’t even know I wrote about it.

Maybe Mr H meant I should write about what I know, with the implied clause that others don’t know it.

My ATM pin code is 9834.

Hmm, I’ll be honest, that did not feel very satisfying to share. If anything, now I don’t know what to write about, AND I am a bit concerned about debit card fraud.

Or maybe he meant to write something you know, but other people can potentially relate to? (Although, statistically, 1 in 10,000 people should relate to my ATM pin thought, which makes roughly 380,000 people relate(source). Quite substantial!)

Anyway, let’s give that a shot. Coronavirus, eh? More like Bore-ohno-virus, amirite?

No, now I just sound like a failed stand-up comedian from the 90s trying too hard… All things considered, I AM a failed stand-up comedian from the 90s trying too hard. Let me go re-evaluate all life decisions real quick

Maybe I can talk about my trip to the Philippines? It was fun. But in the Venn diagram of topics to write about, this falls under “Can be found on googling the Philippines” or “I give very few fucks about you diving with whales”. It’s a very specific Venn diagram, with the whale reference, yes.

Maybe I can write about how difficult it is to write about stuff, as I do know that, and it does sound vaguely relatable. However, having done that here, and 15 other times which are deleted from the internet, it’s starting to lose its sheen.

My only skill in life (to be meta) has stopped being ‘Community’, and started being ‘ABED’. All caps.

Do I need to watch more tv shows and movies to have more references to write about? Maybe I should be a film critic. It seems like a job with no skills I can master. We’ll find out.

Join us, on the next episode of “What will he write about now?!”